Rome moves into the lowest-risk covid “white zone”
The latest news from the Italian government and the Ministero della Salute brings with it lots of excitement and opportunity for travellers, both domestic and foreign in Italy for the summer season.
From the 14th of June, five more regions and one province will move into the lowest-risk category of the colours coded covid zoning system – “white zone”. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of the current zoning classifications.
Red Zone:
Orange Zone:
Yellow Zone:
Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Marche, PA Bolzano, Sicily, Tuscany, Aosta Valley
White Zone:
Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Molise, PA Trento, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Umbria, Veneto

So, what does that mean? In white zones, the only restrictions that apply relate to social distancing and wearing masks indoors and in crowded outdoor areas.
White zones are exempt from the nightly curfew (midnight – 5:00am) which will remain in place until the 21st June at which point it will be lifted nationwide.
In white zones, gyms and indoor swimming pools may reopen, and we have already seen the reintroduction of indoor dining in restaurants in the past week. However, the capacity of each venue is still limited in order to allow for safe social distancing.
Discos and clubs will be permitted to reopen in white zones, although dancing will not be allowed.
If you want more information about arriving in Italy check out our last news update here or refer to the Ministero della Salute page here.