Italy Eases Coronavirus Restrictions From April 26, 2021
Italy’s PM Mario Draghi announced in the latest decree for Coronavius in Italy that restrictions will begin to ease for the country. With most of the regions being reclassified into the less harsh yellow zones, we are looking forward to more freedom.
There is still no change to international travel at this time, but things are looking up for residents in Italy. The changes that will come into effect on Monday April 26th are as follows.
- Restaurants and bars will be allowed to serve customers at outdoor tables for lunch AND dinner in the yellow and white zones. Unfortunately indoor service will not be allowed, and so restaurants without outdoor seating will not be able to open at this time. The plan is that on June 1st restaurants and bars will be allowed to serve customers with indoor seating, but for lunch only. Dinner must remain outdoors.
- The curfew will remain in place for 10pm, but there are talks of extending it to 11pm or eliminating it entirely.
- Museums and archeological sites will reopen, including on weekends, in yellow and white zones.
- Travel within Italy’s borders is now allowed between yellow and white zones. There will be a “Green Pass” for travel to and from the orange and red regions. This is a 6 month pass for those who have recovered from Coronavirus or have been vaccinated. A 48 hour pass can be obtained for those with a negative Covid test.
- Visits to a friend’s home are still allowed and the number of guests from outside the household goes from 2 to 4. This is set until June 15 and could change again after that.
- Outdoor sports can resume on Monday, and competition sports will resume on June 1st with 25% of spectators allowed at the facility.
- Cinemas, theaters, concert halls and music clubs may hold screenings and live performances with a max capacity of 500 indoors and 1000 outdoors.

This is what the latest zone map of Italy looks like from April 26th. As always, we will continue to keep you updated as Italy makes changes to its Covid-19 response.